Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Been working

I know that I haven't posted to my blog in a while, but that's only because of the fact that I've been working my sign dancing tail off for the past several weeks, and getting things back in the proper order that they should've been in a while back. I wanted to save up for my own laptop, however the only problem with that was that until I had gotten my account with Chase back in order, I had to spend money just to get my checks cashed in the first place and that would leave me well below what I needed (also on a side note, don't bother to ever get a check cashed with Wal-martm despite being only $3, they refuse more checks than they cash). But now that everything is back to the way that it should be, I'll be saving up to get the items that I need to get in no time at all. Plus once I get them, I'll be able to put up more posts and get everyone reading again as well.
So till then... :) <3

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Fresno, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/

Friday, July 6, 2012

The summer reading list

Well I know that this is a bit late getting to everyone, but hey I've been trying to get a few things done that have had to get done. Plus I also wanted to give everyone covers of the books, but the problem is that the public computer I'm currently using wont "see" my flash drives so I'm a bit out of luck on that note.

Well the books that are on the list (and I will give a short review for each of them too) are as follows: Farsighted by Emlyn Chand, Darkness of Light by Peter David, 11th Hour by James Patterson, Private Games by James Patterson, and Sir Apropos of Nothing by Peter David.

Now that first book I had just read last so I will leave that one for last and I have a reason for doing so in the first place, that is if you happen to be also following me on Twitter @thecat2643. So I will start off with the one that I read before that which is Darkness Of Light by Peter David. Now David in all of his writing glory has come up with some of the best stories of all times, from he work with Star Trek and the comics world through both Marvel and DC, and his own series that he creates, both with this book starting off the Hidden Earth Chronicles, to that of Star Trek New Frontier, yeah he's been all over the place. Well this is no exception to that rule, when the reader starts out, you're wondering what world this entire story happens to be taking place on, and as the story goes along, you slowly figure it out while learning about the different races that inhabit Damned World. Now personally I wanted to find the second book to this series since the first one was that good, however I soon discovered that Tor didn't publish the second book, actually it was published else where, and that's only after Tor sat on it in the first place. Talk about bad for a book publisher to do.

The next book after that is the latest in the Women's Murder Club series, The 11th Hour, and it's just as great as all the rest of the books that have been written in that series, and like always it will suck you right in and there will be no putting this down till you can be able to finish the book in the end. Honestly this is one book that while being the last one so far in the series, connects all the rest and still leaves it as a single book on its own there. Now another book by Patterson is part of a new series that he's doing called Private, which I honestly don't know if it's going to be turned into a series or not, I've been hearing rumors, but that's all they are is just rumors. This book takes place in the near future at this years London games, and will keep you wondering what in the world is going on till the end. However there's a slight twist to this book that starts the entire story off and it's one that should be read first before I say anything about it.

The second to last book here is also by Peter David and is the first book of a trilogy by the same name of the first book, and this one just like the rest of the books here is a must read title. From start to finish you will be laughing like crazy and wondering where he gets everything, well that is going to remain something of a mystery even to me because even I don't have a clue right there. The one thing that I've noticed of Peter David when he's writing is that even though it's like a completely different world, everything there is just like ours only slightly different in every way. This is one book that will have you (even with the maps provided at the beginning of the book) wondering where in our world this looks like it's taking place.

And last but seriously not least is Farsighted by Emlyn Chand who proves beyond anything that one can have a great book even it if happens to be self published. Now I will be doing an interview with the writer at a later date, but also what I'm wanting to do is have a video conference with her that you all can see, however I'm still working the bugs out of getting everything right there. The book is one that yes does start of slow, but kicks into high gear and doesn't let you put the book down for anything. This is one girl that knows what she wants and put everything down to words for all of us to see it. And she's also leading the way for something in the book world that should have the heavy hitting publishing companies be extremely worried about, and that's more writers going self publish than pro. I'll be covering more of this book in the interview so be on the look out for that, but for this summer, have fun reading.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Fresno, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/