Friday, August 24, 2012

On DVD, one good, one not so good

Saw two DVD movies recently and here's my review of them, though what you take of it will be up to you.

The first movie that I saw was Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, and while it wasn't like the first movie that they made, it was partly staying consistent. Once again Nick Cage brought the Rider to life and this time he was doing so because of a prophesy that had foretold that he would be the one to protect a child from becoming the new devil himself. Great visual effects and this time the Rider got to bring several things to life, all of which served to help the Rider beat any enemies that he came across, and during the entire movie the Rider only spoke once. The one difference between this movie and the first one was that he fed on souls in this movie and didn't judge them like he did in the first one. Personally I see that as only something minor and not really that big of an issue, but it would be something worth seeing once again if I would.

Now the second movie that I saw, Chronicle, that is a must avoid at all cost movie, it was bad right from the start, and never got better. When the teens gained their powers, you knew that something was going to happen when it came to the kid that was getting beaten by his father constantly, that right there was just the boiler point that would set him off, that and the fact that his mother was dying and the father was constantly blaming the son for it, which he shouldn't have been doing in the first place, however when you happen to have a drunk father, you know bad things are going to go down. Yeah from start to finish this one was that bad.

Right now I'm in the middle of watching several more DVD's and will also be eventually watching Expendables 2, of which all of them I will be reviewing for you all to check out or not to check out, let it be your own choice.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):

Monday, August 20, 2012

My World of the latest entertainment

I'll tell you this, between working like crazy doing my sign dancing things (of which I'm still working on trying to get a video recording of me actually doing the dancing out there, and so far no one wants to help with that at all, but I'm still trying), I'm constantly thinking about my blog and trying to get everything going with this and the YouTube side of the whole deal. Not that easy mind you.


I did go to one show that took place here in Martinez this past Saturday, the show was called Alice in Woggle-Land and it was like seen CIRQUE DU SOLEIL deal, yet only on a small stage and outside as well. The show was amazing, even though Alice never said anything once, which actually surprised me, but beyond that it was something that was great. The one part of the show that I actually liked (and videoed) was the light show part that was done, and that's up loaded to YouTube as well ( Over all everything about the show was great, and I'm actually sad that the show was only one day, it would be great if it was longer than that, but that's the way things work out.


Now the one show that I'm looking forward to, is actually a movie that I will be checking out, which is Expendable 2, which the action start list that this one has, they pulled out all of the stops for this movie. I personally can't wait to check it out, and I will let you all know how things turned out for the movie.


Sorry to keep these short, but I do have places to go and things to check out if you're to get my slight reviews on anything. Till next time my friends.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The start of a new blogging time

I know that it's been a while since I had last posted anything, even the video version of this blog has only gotten one comment in the entire short time that it had been posted (for those of you that would like to view the video: and I know that my writing hasn't been seen in a long while for anything, well considering that I've been working like crazy, and all just to earn up the money for my new toy that I'm currently writing this on in the first place. I'm going to be now writing up quite a few entries and making more video blogs as well. I'm right now trying to get a music video made, but that's being a little difficult given that I can't get any help for that in the first place. But everything will be getting done in due time

And there's quite a bit of entertainment that I've been seeing and reading that I've been wanting to post up and yet haven't had the chance to actually do that at all. From both Spider-Man and Batman to a slew of books (yeah I've been reading even though I've been working like crazy, one would be surprised that I've actually found the time to do that). I will be getting back to posting everything.

So yes I'm back and this time I really damned well mean it too.
Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Fresno, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):