Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The birther stupidity

You know for the first time, even I'm with Obama on this one, and it's only proving how much of a joke that Trump happens to be in the first place. I mean come on, does everyone forget the one simple rule that even if a person happens to be born over seas, as long as they happen to be on a military base or embassy (both of which are considered U.S. soil) then they're an American citizen by birth. Which means that Obama who had been born in (last I knew) Hawaii, is in fact a U.S. citizen. Like I said though, I just consider Trump to be one big joke and that's it, nothing more nothing less. Honestly if he is so determined to run for President, that only means that the Republicans (even if someone else happens to run for them) don't stand a chance at all, and that's the truth.
Look even I know that you folks out there reading this know and understand that there are far bigger things out there that really need to be dealt with, and what I know that a lot of you can't stand is that for the first time ever, there is a huge change that is actually taking place. I mean yes we're currently blaming Obama for causing all of the ailes that we're currently going through right now, but he didn't start any of them, he only in herited them from a President that was trying to save his legacy and blew it big time. So each and every single time that he's tried to make a fix and get things done, it's been the Republicans that have gone out of their way to try and stone wall him like crazy. I mean come on when are the people going to wake up here, even the TEA Party is screwing things up, and I know that the Democrats are no prize winners either, but still at least someone is trying to get things done. Problem is, I'm starting to think that even though we want things to be fixed, that in truth and reality, we really don't want anything fixed. Honestly I dare someone to try and prove me any different, I know the truth, and I know that no one will ever like that truth at all, but hey I'm not here to coddle to anyone.
Look I know that you might all think that things are really bad right now, but trust me on this, things will actually get a lot worse before anything ever gets any better at all. Thing that you all reading this have to realize and ask, is the person you're voting into office really going to take care of anything, or are they just in there for the power and nothing else. After all, we've had people get elected into office just on them giving a big talk in the first place, and the next thing you know they're not doing anything. So when it comes to Obama, we put him into office, and he's been trying and working his damnest, but as long as he's constantly stonewalled by people that don't want real change to happen, nothing is going to be done and that's a fact. Just think about all that the next time that you want to vote for someone, they may talk all this major thing, but will they really be getting things done, or are they just blowing smoke and nothing else.

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