One of the things that allot of people don't realize, is that the nation wide unemployment rate doesn't match for everything, after all even though the rate for the US is around 8%, it's actually close to 20% right now being around 18%. There is literally nothing here for any kind of work. Now yes I do have some work, but it's a seasonal job with Liberty Tax as a sign spinner, however this year, I got back to that late so I lost out and am currently waiting to see if anyone ends up calling in sick (which so far has only happened a couple of times), but it's at least work right now, but come April 18th, I'll be once again out of work till January 2nd of 2012.
Now I've looked everywhere for some kind of work, the only problem that I currently seem to be running into, is that when it comes to any of the work that's out there, they require either one of the following (or a combination of any of them): 1) A driver's licence (which thanks to something that my ex put me through back in Virginia, I currently owe close to $300 in an ever climbing fine, it goes up $.06 every day, so that's currently out and I'm currently using the public transit system here in Fresno called FAX (Fresno Area Express, which really isn't that express like at all), 2)A college degree (which is something that I've been working on, but in the area of film making which currently won't help me out, but then again college is currently out since I don't even have the money to go in the first place, and college grants don't help either since the books are the one thing that end up killing everything right there (plus some personal problems which I will cover in a later blog entry ended up hurting me big time), and I already know about the fee waiver for getting into the school in the first place, yeah been through a lot of this before, and not much has changed at all either), 3)Experience in the area that you're applying for (usually that goes for multiple years that they're wanting, and one look at my resume doesn't cover multiple years at all). So with out either one or a combination of the three, it's extremely hard to get a job at all here in Fresno, I'm currently at a place called Workforce Connection, and during the day these days this place does become packed with people looking for work and not finding anything.
Now, I read a while back in the paper, that there is a growing concern that I do believe needs to be addressed. There are actually jobs out there that are saying that in order to apply for them, you need to be currently already employed in order to get a job there. If you happen to be out of work, you need not apply. I'm sorry to say, but there are loads of people that are currently looking for work (myself among them) that need work, and if you're not employed (and some of them are saying that it's only after a certain period of time, or if you just got either laid off or fired, don't bother), you're screwed BIG TIME! Honestly it's already bad enough that the economy maybe slightly coming back, but the new problem that we happen to have this time is that even through the cost of living is going up, no ones getting the needed raises in order to be able to afford even the simplest of needed items. Sorry to say, but the ones that are running the businesses out there need to realize and understand what's going on and start helping out their employees.
Then again it's also becoming a political problem as well (one that the so called TEA Party isn't helping in the least), and I don't see an end in sight or any kind of solutions coming to the forefront of this bad problem. Now a friend once told me that the so called Reaganomics actually worked, and that we need to do that again, yeah hated to tell him this (and I did too), but it didn't work at all. So trying it again this time around, sorry to say but the businesses that are out there, they're going to hang onto the money instead of paying their workers like they should be, so the ones that are barley making it right now, will get nothing while the rich will continue to get richer, and there's not a damned thing we can do at all about it. Plus the problem with the TEA Party is that they just want to cut and cut and don't realize that they're cutting is going to hurt things (like education k-12) that shouldn't be hurt in the first place, so we end up having idiots going through school. I know that from the time I got out of school in '97 to now, that that level has gone down, but at least they're trying and that's the main thing. Having education run by either the government or the church is already a bad idea because of the fact that you're getting fed something on either side that will hurt education in the end, and this will have a ripple effect all the way to when those students go looking for a job, and find out that they don't happen to have what it takes in order to even get anything. Plus unless you happen to live in a rich family, you're already screwed right then and there, namely because everything that's going on won't effect them at all in the least.
Now I know that I've gone on a bit of a rant here, but honestly a lot of these things are right in front of people's faces, but we'd rather be a society blind to what's really going on around us (which is what the TEA Party seems to be doing at the current time), and believe that everything that's currently going on will just go away under it's own power. Personally I'd love to become governor of California, namely to get everything straightened out, but I already know that I would never be able to get elected. Hell our current governor Brown is a complete idiot that not only was once governor of California before, but he screwed up then, and now he's trying to get our state tax increased (which at one point our last governor tried to do also through a special election as well, even with everyone in state business backing him), and I know for a fact that it's not going to work at all, even if it goes before the people, they won't go for it, no one can afford it any more. Now I don't know what state happens to have the highest state tax, but I honestly believe that California is up there, even with a minimum wage of $8 an hour, it doesn't help with the cost of everything out there. Personally I really believe that we should get rid of the state tax, but it's also needed to bring in income to the state coffers (which constantly seem to be getting raided for other projects and areas of the state), and dropping taxes altogether is simply not the answer, but then again nor is raising them when there might be another answer (other then cutting things that are needed altogether). Hell here's an idea that I know the people up in Sac town have been not only ignoring, they've been doing the complete opposite and that's instead of increasing their pay to pay for either that new golf club or that new girlfriend, drop their pays and give that money to the programs that need it here in the state. Personally if I was up there in Sac town, I would be doing that myself and not giving one iota worth of a care for the ones that didn't happen to like it at all. Hell I would just keep telling them that if they won't agree to that, then I would just keep vetoing their budgets till they actually did that, I wouldn't care how long it took. Then again that's just me and I've been living on the lower end for so long that I doubt that even when I post this to my three blogs that it will not only never get responded to, but it will be completely ignored as well. Then again a blog is just one persons opinion, and opinions are like ideas, everyone's got one, they may not always be good ideas, but everyone's got one.
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