Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Current economy and what's up in Fresno today

Well despite current economic woes that are currently hitting everyone like a hammer to the head right now, people still find that at least for one day out of the whole year, they can actually part with a dollar of hard earned money to buy a news paper. The event is called Kid's Day, and it happens once a year here in Fresno, and it's put on by the Fresno Bee (the city's news paper here in Fresno: http://www.fresnobee.com/). On this day you see people all over Fresno standing at different street corners bellowing out "GET YOUR KID'S DAY PAPER RIGHT HERE, ONE DOLLAR!" Talk about a shot back in time to the days of " EXTRA EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT!" Even the look is similar to back then too with the apron that they have to wear, however unlike back then, the aprons that are being worn out there are different colors marking the different organizations that are helping to put this on (believe me I know first hand since I did this before years ago, but I get to that in a minute here). This is actually one of the better events that are out there to try to help out the next generation try to get a grip, you see everything that is collected today goes to Children's Hospital just north of Fresno here, in Madera (yeah for those that read this blog,and happen to live up there, now you know where you guys get a huge blast of cash once a year :D).
Now when I said that I had done this once before years ago, I actually had, back when I was first going to Fresno City College back in either '02 or '03 (I skipped out on a few years after that). I had started up a club back at Fresno City called the FCC Anime Club (and it's still going strong today despite everything that's happened to it over the years). But I remember actually standing out there on the center island from the early morning of the day to about the midday (the one that was helping me had class that she had to get back to), and shouting out for the paper. I honestly don't remember how much we netted that day, but what ever the amount was, it wasn't enough to actually get a party at all that I know that we were trying to earn, one of my more lesser know defeats :(. Either way, it was a great day over all, or at least I thought that it was.
The thing is, that this day let's me see that despite the current problems that we happen to have, that people are still willing to help if they know what the money is going towards in the first place. One of the major problems that we happen to have right now is that despite what the politicians keep telling us, I honestly don't believe that they really know what in the world is going on in the world around them. After all they keep talking about the rich and the middle class, well what about the lower income class, the side that they never want to mention at all, and it's also a class that I happen to personally belong to (and one that despite all of my efforts I can't get away from either). Honestly I would love it if even the President would actually acknowledge those that happen to live below the poverty level that the government had established years ago and never bother to adjust once in the slightest (OK yes they did, but it was such a small number that it wasn't even funny in the slightest, it was more like, are you joking here, because we're not). Honestly I know that they think that if you have money, you don't have to worry about anything else and that's not true, if you have the money you still have to think about those that work below you, other wise you end up with a major problem. There was a book that I'd read recently that was based upon a great show called Andromeda, and in this book (which was I believe based on the first episode of the series), you have a world that is facing a huge problem, that problem was that the king that was ruling the planet, had to raise the taxes all around in order to get things fixed and worked out, but then he had to reduce things in other areas, and the people just couldn't stand it any more and they revolted. Now I highly doubt that the people are going to revolt here, but the one thing that the rich have to realize (and this has happened before many times, where work actually grounds to a halt just to get better conditions going, doesn't matter if it was to get unions going or to get equal rights for women started) that even though they've got the money, they can't think that even if they ignore us that we'll just keep going, sorry that doesn't work and they will continue to keep seeing that each and every time.
Now for me, I honestly believe that the one thing that will help get me going is the book that I'd been working on, that once I get that published, I can get out of the level that I'm currently at right now. However in the mean time, I'm still going to be looking for work since I know that till I can actually get the book finished and published, I'm still going to be needing an income just to get things going in my currently daily life. I mean food stamps are all well and good on that note, but they don't cover everything else that one needs, i.e. hygiene, and ways to get around the cities that we live in. It's those things that the rich not only don't think about, they take that stuff for granted in a huge way. Personally after I've gotten published, I'm going to make sure that I stick around for the world that I came from, I'm not ever going to forget that. Heck, I believe that even the President that came from that world has totally forgotten about it as well.
Yesterday I had mentioned at how bad things were, and that even the TEA Party wasn't doing that good either, well it's worse then that when it comes to that Party. You see despite everything that happens to look good with the TEA Party, the major problem is that they've got their own agenda and that's just as bad as the majority of the people that are currently in Washington right now. You see if they've got their own agenda's, then they're only concerned about themselves and not really about the people and the people they're only using as a front. Personally that's not right in my eyes, but then again, in my life not a whole lot of people have ever bothered to listen to me at all. Yes I understand that the TEA in TEA Party stands for Taxed Enough Already, but the problem is that you can't stop having taxes altogether outright,and nor can you just cut big numbered programs that are actually needed (like those needed for education). Yes we do need the taxes, but not at the current level that they happen to be at right now, after all with out the taxes, how are we ever going to get things fixed around our cities, after all the people won't just donate the money for it, and the rich sure as heck won't give up their money for it either. Sorry to say, but taxes for those things are the needed things, and you just can't get by with out them.  Now I'm not for either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, since both parties are screwing up both badly right now, and the both keep blaming each other. No I actually tried (and even registered under it) to start a party that was actually based on a party based in a comic book called the Tomorrow Party, it was the same party that Lex Luthor created when he ran for President (of course for him we all know what happened). However the idea for me is something completely different from what had been put into the comic, for me the Tomorrow Party won't just say they'll do something and then turn around and not do it. No when we say we'll do something, we'll go out of our way to actually do it no matter what it takes within the bounds of the law. Plus we won't be bound down by outside influences (i.e. the church that shouldn't be involved in politics in the first place, or any other that might have their own agendas and don't have the general people in mind at all). However as much as I would like to get this Party going, it's going to be very hard when no one thinks that they actually have the power to get this started at all. Gee I registered under that Party already, however I'm the only one that actually cares about how badly both (or all three) parties are screwing everything up, and that doesn't help me in the least.

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